The Out-of-Home Networks Reaches Millions of Homes, Offices, Factories, Retail Locations and More With It’s Portfolio of Media Assets Including TV Shows, Digital Signage Platforms and OTT Programming. Our Newest TV Show, Con Job Will Be Seen Nationally Q2, 2020.

Fields of Expertise: Our teams and external advisers come from multiple industries and are very experienced in their professions. We engage with each of them to advise on the TV shows and networks we are creating.
Example Project: For our Breakroom TV Network we have office and human resource manager advisors helping us create the best programming possible. Subjects such as wellness and exercise programming (including healthy eating), employee training modules, mentoring and employee development, financial advice, organizational development/human capital are being looked over for future content development and creation.
Our team and our partners (coming from some of the largest consumer product companies) are available to address clients coming from a number of industries including: Consumer Products. Food Service, Hard Goods, General Merchandise, Store Equipment, Hospitals/Healthcare, Wellness, Sports Nutrition, Hospitality, Travel, Sports Commissions, Conventions and Visitors Bureaus, Entertainment and much more…